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The power of 5 minutes in your day

Been in that painful place where you are just taking the wrath of what others are saying and doing. You are busy trying to fix it. Trying to fix them. You walk away crying or deeply wounded and later end up spoiling in anger. 

What if, it has nothing to do with you. What if you do not need to correct them but control your reactions around them? 

We take a lot personally but maybe this person is lashing out because of what they are dealing with and going through?

Sometimes, it is just not about you.  We did nothing wrong. You are just in a vortex of their energy and you need to maintain your boundaries and tempo. 

You are not always the trigger.

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Choose to have a better day

It really becomes our option on how we rise daily from our slumber to face the day. If you feel that you must approach life like a warrior, you will live on the battle field. 

If you choose to encouture your day with joy and gratitude, you will move the energy that does not match your frequency OUT OF THE WAY!

You can not change the noise of the world. you can only silence the voice in your mind. 

May you have a better day.

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What if, it is just not about you, at times.

Been in that painful place where you are just taking the wrath of what others are saying and doing. You are busy trying to fix it. Trying to fix them. You walk away crying or deeply wounded and later end up spoiling in anger. 

What if, it has nothing to do with you. What if you do not need to correct them but control your reactions around them? 

We take a lot personally but maybe this person is lashing out because of what they are dealing with and going through?

Sometimes, it is just not about you.  We did nothing wrong. You are just in a vortex of their energy and you need to maintain your boundaries and tempo. 

You are not always the trigger.

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Who are you?

We grow up always wondering if we are meant to be more. We grow up knowing there is so much more for us. But as we grow we slowly lose more and more of who we are because we become someone for others. 

May this episode gently guide you to finding yourself. And may you know, you are special, everything you want is possible, the minute you believe you are deserving of so much more. 

Unmask and fly. 


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Dust it off and Shine

We forget how easy it is to start over or even comeback from situations that have happen In our lives. I found this simple method powerful to keep in my back pocket. I hope you do too. 

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Stop, pause, reflect, appreciate and conclude. Because an argument is caused by the person looking to be heard and the key is to keep it at a discussion, so that the other person does not get defensive and now you both fight for voice time! 

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Family has a god given gift to know how to push your every button. But so often we go down that slippery slope because we have no idea who were are to begin with.

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This episode is to really ground you and bring you back home. To a place we have all forgotten, and that is a deep connection with ourself.

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We live in a world where we are already really fighting for space and recognition.  Already feel so lonely and alone. You need to thrive in your relationships. 

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All relationships hit that point where you wonder will this work or not... together Mohammed and I, shazmeen Bank talk you through how so much can change to bring you two back from the edge.